Be Secure - Feel Secure (BSFS) - Enhancing community trust & well-being in Piraeus

Fact Sheets

The Be Secure Feel Secure (BSFS) project, implemented in Piraeus, Greece, is an excellent example of how urban security can be co-produced by involving different stakeholders in a participatory approach. The project involved local authorities, citizens, and other stakeholders, who collaborated to co-produce efficient solutions to urban security issues. Through this project, the partners provided tailored and evidence-based policies to address security-related challenges in the local context, including a baseline assessment, the creation of a Local Council for Crime Prevention, the CURiM platform and a Victim Support Unit. These mechanisms and tools provide the local stakeholders with up-to-date knowledge of the local reality concerning crime and insecurity. These interventions, coupled with social and spatial interventions, contributed to improving the quality of life and to making Piraeus a safer and more secure city.

Explore our Fact Sheets – co-produced with European Forum for Urban Security (Efus):

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