Be Secure-Feel Secure Journal 1: get an update about Piraeus’ project for safe cities
JOURNAL 01 – BSFS Year 1. By Edna Peza-Ramirez, UIA Expert
JOURNAL 01 – BSFS Year 1. By Edna Peza-Ramirez, UIA Expert
Panteion, via the Laboratory of Urban Criminology, conducted a diagnostic research on victimization and safety in the 2nd and 5th Municipal Departments of Piraeus.
Prof. Dimitrios Kallergis introduces the Evidence-Driven Urban Risk Assessment (CURiM) novel methodology.
Cities are hubs for the exchange of goods, services, knowledge, and ideas, and nowadays, they are growing at unprecedented rates.
The BSFS expert Maija Katkovska conducted a research on local initiatives and practices concerning the prevention of cyber-threats against children and youngsters.
The Launch Event of the European project Be Secure – Feel Secure (BSFS), led by the Municipality of Piraeus, took place on Wednesday, July 15, 2020.
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative under grant agreement number UIA04-274.
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